An experimental feature called "Export Metrics" can be found under "Labs (experimental)" in the upper, left main menu .
This can be used to send Daily Metrics such as Steps, Walking Distance, Flights Climbed, Exercise Minutes, Energy and Weight from Apple Health to Garmin Connect.
Starting from version 2.117, RunGap can be configured to automatically upload data to Garmin Connect whenever the selected data changes in Apple Health. It is recommended to leave "Include Today" disabled to limit network traffic and battery drain when using Background Update.
Please note that If you have data from a Garmin device for the same day, it will take precedence and the data uploaded by RunGap will be ignored.
RunGap uploads daily metrics data to Garmin Connect in FitBit CSV format and this is what Garmin Support says:
"NOTE: If you upload Fitbit® data that contains data on the same day that the account already has Garmin data, or data that does not have the same date formatting throughout the file, the message "An error occurred with your upload. Please try again" may display. Also, Garmin data will take precedence and all of the Fitbit® data will upload with the exception of days where Garmin data is present. With some data, the date may be incorrect by a day if the timezone of the source data is different from the timezone setting in your Garmin Connect account."
Found here: Import Data From Fitbit® to Garmin Connect
In addition we have occasionally seen Garmin Connect reporting strange negative totals. We are confident that this is due to a bug in Garmin Connect rather than RunGap uploading incorrect data.
You can verify that RunGap is sending the correct numbers to Garmin Connect by having "Export Daily Metrics" create a CSV file instead of uploading it directly to Garmin Connect. You can then inspect the data in "Numbers" on your device.
If your data does not show up on Garmin Connect, then please try to log on to the Garmin Connect Website and press the "Upload or Import Activity" button in the upper, right corner. If this prompts you to accept new terms then you should do so in order to fix the problem.
If you see strange totals on Garmin Connect we highly recommend that you also report the issue to Garmin Support and include a copy of the CSV file mentioned above.
These are the reasons why this feature is still experimental at this stage.
Hello, I'm testing this new feature and it does not work on my devices. Iphone 14 Pro and Macbook Air M1. Rungap v 2.128. iOS 17.6.1. It uploads activities well, but no daily metrics. Also export csv file manually does not work. There is message “Import Complete” But No Data in Garmin Connect. I also tried edit the csv file many ways according to the garmin support, but no effect. Do you have any idea what can I do better?
I do not understand :-) after a hundreds tries of editing CSV and all Garmin Settings, today at 2:05AM it is done! Daily metrics export works! Interesting was, that my last step was rename the Rungap exported file named “Health Metrics.csv” which I imported to Garmin Connect before, to “Activities.csv” and imported it again to the Garmin Connect. It seems, that step activated Automatic function in rungap application.
Do I understand this correctly: I won’t be able to track my sleep with a non Garmin gear and track the rest of the day with my (bulky) Garmin, nor to use my apple watch at work and then switch to the Garmin when training, and then have everything in Garmin Connect? My understanding is that this will also not be possible in the future, unless Garmin changes the way FitBit CSV are read.
Yes, that is correct. Sleep is not supported by the FitBit CSV format.
To Developers: Please explain me the sense of this feature. Mainly I am Apple watch and Apple health user. So Apple watch tracks my daily steps. I also use my Garmin Forerunner for tracking some my activities, sleep etc. But it is not daily watch. Logically I need to sync my Garmin device with Garmin Connect at least one time per day. And here is a big problem. If I sync my Garmin in the morning, I upload some data to Garmin Connect and from that moment, whole the day, the other data uploaded by RunGap will be ignored. And on the other hand, if I do not sync my Garmin in the morning and whole day I track my steps via Apple Watch and sync via Rungap feature to Garmin Connect, all seems to be ok. Till the moment I sync my Garmin device at the latest in the evening, Garmin Connect overwrites all collected steps or delete it, if the steps in Garmin device for that day is 0!! Could you please tell me when I have to sync my Garmin device to protect my steps???
What you describe is exactly how Garmin says it is supposed to work.
I don't think that it is possible to get this to work the way you want - but you might want to check with Garmin Support.
Unfortunately, no matter what I do, I can't seem to get any metrics in my Garmin Connect account. Even manually uploading the file doesn't seem to add any metrics. I'm wondering if i'm missing something completely obvious. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Will an automatic sync of weight from my Garmin scale make it so no other data will be uploaded for the day. I'm trying to get steps to upload but can't seem to make it work and just troubleshooting. Thanks!
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